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"Mein Schatz" by Ebendieselbe Ensemble. from Erik Alalooga on Vimeo.

This is a recording of the concert of an experimental self-made sound instrument class 
held by Erik Alalooga in the Estonian Academy of Art. 
I'm deeply grateful for having the chance to work with these talented people
 and do such crazy things. 
The concert was played in Polymer Culture Factory
 as a part of the Global Container festival program.

Telliskivi Jam 2012
We recorded this jam in a crummy, dirty rehearsal room in Telliskivi Loomelinnak, before it was renovated and became a hipster paradise. Improvised jam is featuring Taavi on drums and Sass on guitar, me on saxophone. The video is an illustration for the music, with clips shot on the road in Liethuania, Latvia, Helsinki, Tallinn and a train somewhere in Finland.

I have played guitar since I was 19 and composed in all 5 pieces of ready songs. I've been trying to get my grunge-folk songs on tape and practiced the material already with two different bands, but it seems like a great impossibility to put that material out...  I feel I can't move on before it's done... All the songs are dealing with heartbreaks.

Meanwhile, I'm playing alto saxophone in different groups since 2010. I got my sax from Poland in 2004 and after since have been occasionally playing it, usually just for myself. I love free jazz and improvising and playing very different styles of music has taught me a lot, although I am not an educated musician.

I have played actively with following groups:
2009 Xi Utoas:
2010 The Global Cooling:
2013 Uus Energia:
2014 Positive Wave

And featured also in some other groups, for example Raoul Kurvitz's band. We played a gig in KUMU Art Museum together in 2013 and my sax is featuring also on his DVD published a bit after.
I have featured also on an LP of an experimental noise group from Turku in 2004 or 2005.


Videos & art
Let It Bi 2013

Solo experiments:
With Raoul Kurtvitz's band:
On Baltantis with Kimberley Bianca:

Illustration for Ishmael Falke's "A Room for three - An Exercise in Dramaturgical Adaptation for Puppet Theatre" 2005